4186 N. Broadway, Case Number: 2014-UV1-037: Update

 In News, Zoning Notice

4186 North Broadway

Case Number: 2014-UV1-037 (Amended) 

Zoning: SU-37 (W-5)

Variance of use of the Special Districts Zoning Ordinance to provide for  an art gallery, rug cleaning and repair, appraisal, painting conservation, and fine art framing with related retail sales and services.

On December 10th, MKNA held a Land Use Committee meeting to discuss a variance request from Curt Churchman for the property at 4186 North Broadway (formerly the Kaleidoscope Youth Center).  Curt owns Fine Estate Art/Fine Estate Rugs (previously located at College and Kessler) and desires to move his business into the building.  The property is currently zoned Special Use-Library, so the variance would allow for commercial use for this business.

A crowd of about 20+ neighbors attended the hearing.  Based on neighborhood input, the Land Use committee asked the petitioner to revise his request to ensure that ONLY his business would be allowed to operate under this variance.  Neighbors were supportive of this use, but wanted to ensure that this variance would not someday allow another commercial use to occupy the building without further permission.  As a result of our request, the wording of the petition was revised (as reflected above).

Additionally, the Land Use Committee asked the petitioner to provide the following additional details:

  • Signage plans and to confirm if additional variances were needed for signage.
  • Site plan showing current on-site parking
  • Dumpster screening
  • Additional screening along the south property to help separate from the residences to the south

We appreciate the petitioner’s willingness to work with us.  The attached PDF contains elevation renderings of the building, including the requested items.

The last remaining item we are waiting for is clarification if an additional variance is needed for the signage.  We hope to have this information by Thursday, 1/8/15, for our Board to make a final recommendation of supporting this petition.  We are still seeking neighbor input to this petition, specifically in regards to the signage.  Please contact us if you have input or questions.

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