Fed up with potholes?

 In City Services, News, Public Safety

Winter takes a toll on city sidewalks and streets. Complaints roll into MKNA as frequently as drivers swerve the culprits.

In September, the Indianapolis City Council unanimously approved a $25 million appropriation to repair streets. “The city is busy patching potholes daily, but the funding will be allocated across districts based on the worst conditions,” said Indianapolis District 7 Councilor John Barth. “MK residents need to submit their priorities to the Mayor’s Action Center as soon as possible, while the projects for 2024 are being considered—even if the project has been submitted previously or via another method, getting the documentation to the MAC is valuable.”

If you’d like to report a street in your area, click here to fill out a form or call the MAC at 317- 327-4622. Then tell your neighbors to report as well.

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