Summer block party tips from MKNA

 In Events

When warmer temperatures arrive and most kids are on break, it’s safe to say that most everybody welcomes a summer block party. “Many streets in Meridian-Kessler have hosted block party gatherings for years. And they’ve got the system down,” said MKNA Community Partnerships Board Member John Creamer. “But for those who are thinking about starting a tradition with neighbors, MKNA wants to make it easy.”

Make sure you’ve talked to your neighbors to see if you’ve got enthusiasm.

Decide where you’ll have the party. If you’re using city streets or public throughfares you might need a permit.

Determine how you’ll notify residents.

Chat with neighbors about food, drink and entertainment. Music, games for kids, bike races. Enough littles in your zone? Perhaps rent a bounce house.

Think about weather. Do you need a rain date contingency plan?

Don’t forget to plan for help with clean up.

Every block is unique and party organizers need to ask neighbors what works best for the mix of kids, dogs, young couples, and empty nesters. Then plan activities accordingly. “One stretch of Delaware Street in MK — with a storied tradition of block festivities—encourages its residents to show off any home improvements they’ve tackled since the last block party with a mini home tour,” said Creamer. “And it’s always a hit!”

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