The Magazine of Meridian~Kessler

 In News, Spark


Welcome to our first edition of MK Spark

The Meridian~Kessler Neighborhood Association is excited to bring you this new quarterly publication. 

As we begin our organization’s 50th year, we have launched an initiative to improve our communications to neighbors. We redesigned the website and are now better able to deliver the most current MK news. Notices regarding land use and zoning, important meetings and ways to get involved in our neighborhood are just a few of the things we share daily on our website and via social media. Stay informed by joining us on Facebook and Twitter @MeridianKessler


Flip through the current edition of MK Spark online using the nifty ISSUU reader, download a pdf or visit the Features page to read articles in your web browser.


MK Spark: The Magazine of Meridian~Kessler is published quarterly and mailed to 7,000 homes in Meridian~Kessler.

We are always looking for writers and photographers to submit their work for use in both our magazine and online. Whether you are a professional photographer with a great eye or a casual author with a story to share, we’d love to highlight your work! Send us your ideas.

Advertise in MK Spark and reach 19,000 local residents.


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