Board of Zoning Appeals, March 3 at 1pm

 In News, Zoning Notice


All interested parties are encouraged to attend and participate.

Dockets for all hearings by the Metropolitan Board of Zoning Appeals are available on the IndyGov website. Skip Navigation Links

IndyGov > Local Government > City > Metropolitan Development > Planning > Zoning > Published Legal Notices (Agenda) > Board of Zoning Appeals, Division I


Published Legal Notice – Board of Zoning Appeals, Division I

SELECT the pdf download BZA Division I for the current month. Dockets for the current monthly meeting are posted only a few days in advance of the hearing.


The following cases will be heard by the Metropolitan Board of Zoning Appeals on March 3, 2015 at 1pm in the Public Assembly Room (second floor) of the City-County Building (200 E. Washington St, Indianapolis):


4186 North Broadway Street/Kaleidoscope Youth Center

Curt Churchman, Petition #2014-UV1-037

Variance of use of the Special Zoning Ordinance to provide for an art/rug gallery with related retail sales and services.

Read the January 14, 2015 Update: Additional Comments from the Land Use Committee for more information on this case.

Read the MKNA Land Use Report, January 7, 2015 for more information on this case including the committee’s vote 5-4 to deny the variance.


522 East 51st Street

Litz & Eaton Investments, Petition #2014-DV1-062

Variance of Development Standards to construct a garage addition to a dwelling creating an aggregate side setback of 2.5’ (13’ setback required) and creating an open space of 45% (minimum 65% required).

March 2, 2015 UPDATE:

New commitments and agreements on the project at 522 East 51st Street

After several meetings with concerned neighbors, MKNA agreed to support this case with the following commitments from the Petitioner:

  • We are agreeable to the variances required for the one-car detached garage in the location of existing car port (two car garage originally presented)
  • The petitioner has agreed to cut the patio back to the allowed setback and use the exposed aggregate that is already installed (request was to reduce the setbacks to allow for a larger patio, resulting in increased lot coverage)
  • Driveway to be pervious concrete strips with grass in the middles as shown on site plan provided by petitioner (reduces amount of hard scape and addresses drainage concerns)
  • The petitioner provided a drainage plan showing how rain water would be adequately addressed on the site.  MKNA supports this plan, assuming it is approved when petitioner files for their drainage plan with the City.
  • The petitioner has agreed to take efforts to preserve the  large, mature tree in the back yard.

We appreciate the petitioner and neighbors working to reach an agreement.

For additional background on this case please read the MKNA Land Use Report, January 7, 2015 for more information on this case including the committee’s unanimous decision to deny the variance.


All interested parties are encouraged to attend and participate.


NOTE: IMH Products / 46th & Winthrop

This case has been withdrawn by the petitioner. We do not have information about the current status of case. This address is not located within Meridian~Kessler and the case was not reviewed by the Land Use Committee of MKNA. However, our neighborhood residents demonstrated interest and MKNA is sympathetic to the concerns of residents in the immediate vicinity of IMH Products. We will share news if we learn there are developments associated with this business location.


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