Land Use Case Reviews • Tuesday, Sept 1 at 6pm

 In Land Use, News, Zoning Notice


Land Use Case Reviews of Requests for Variance
Tuesday, September 1 at 6pm

Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 526 East 52 Street

The Meridian-Kessler Neighborhood Association Land Use committee will meet to review requests for variance of development standards. The MKNA Land Use Committee will consider these cases and make recommendations to the full MKNA Board.  All interested neighbors are encouraged to attend.


1002 East 52nd Street (former Bee Windows), by TCC Software Solutions

Request to rezone property from I-4 (Industrial) to C3-C (Neighborhood Commercial)


4838 N Pennsylvania Street, Sullivan Hardware and Garden Inc., by Gregory S. Fehrlbach

CASE #2015-DV3-039. Request for variance of development standards of the Commercial Zoning Ordinance to provide for:

  1. the seasonal outdoor display and storage of bagged goods, flowers, Christmas trees and related items (outdoor display and storage not permitted), in addition to the greenhouse storage approved by 2009–DV1–040),
  2. with a trash enclosure in front of the established building line along 49th Street (not permitted), and
  3. with a flower product display area, parking and bagged goods display and storage area within the clear sight triangles of the driveways at 49th Street and Pennsylvania Street (not permitted).

NOTE: Details of previous petitions for similar or same requests for variances are documented on our website. LINK

DOWNLOAD • Proposed Site Plan


4851 Carrollton Street, Kevin and Sandra Daly, by John Jackson

Case #2015-DIV1-046. Request for variance to development standards to construct a deck on an existing garage, with a zero-foot south setback and one-foot aggregate side setback (minimum four-foot side and 10-foot aggregate).


5858 North College (former AT&T), TWG Development LLC, by Joseph Calderon

Request to rezone property from C-1, C-4 (Commercial) to D-P (Planned Unit Development). TWG proposes to redevelop a portion of the property used by AT&T as an office and incidental parking with a mixed use building containing multifamily units and some commercial space.

Details of documents submitted to MKNA Land Use Committee by developer


DOWNLOAD • Elevations

DOWNLOAD • Conceptual Site Layout










These cases will be scheduled to be heard by the Board of Zoning Appeals in the Public Assembly room of the City County Building (200 East Washington St).

Copies of the proposals listed above and all plans and exhibits pertaining thereto will be on file and available for examination prior to the hearing in Room 1821 of the City-County Building, Indianapolis, Indiana, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday.

2015 Staff Reports & Hearing Results – Board of Zoning Appeals, Division I

Written objections to a proposal may be filed with the Secretary of the Metropolitan Board of Zoning Appeals, as appropriate, before the hearing at the above address and such objections will be considered. At the hearing, all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard in reference to the matters contained in said proposals. The hearing may be continued from time to time as may be found necessary.

Public hearings are accessible to persons with disabilities. For accommodations needed by persons with disabilities planning to attend the hearing, please call 327-5155, or 317-327-5186 for the hearing impaired, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the hearing.
Department of Metropolitan Development, Division of Planning, Current Planning Division

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