Process • AT&T Site Proposal by TWG Development
Proposed Redevelopment of the AT&T Site at 5870 N. College Avenue by TWG Development
City Case # 2015-ZON-071
March 2 UPDATE
TWG Development has informed MKNA that they are withdrawing their zoning petition with the City and ending their plans to redevelop this site. As a result, this petition has been taken off the agenda for the March Land Use Committee meeting.
February 10 UPDATE
TWG Development has informed MKNA that they are continuing to work on revisions to their redevelopment plan. Today they filed a request with the City for a one month continuance on their hearing in front of the City’s Metropolitan Development Commission. As a result, we expect the next steps to be:
Monday, March 7th, 6pm; Northwood Christian Church (4550 Central Ave)
March MKNA Land Use Committee Meeting
Our monthly land use meetings are open to all interested neighbors. TWG is on the agenda to present their proposal to the Land Use Committee. The Land Use Committee will then recommend to the full MKNA Board of Directors to support or oppose the petition. It’s important to remember that MKNA does not approve or deny any zoning- only the City of Indianapolis
Wednesday, March 16th, 1pm; City-County Building, Public Assembly Room
Indianapolis Metropolitan Development Commission Hearing
This is a public hearing. The commission will hear the presentation from the petitioner (TWG) and take comments from other interested parties. The commission will then vote on the proposal.
February 2 – Land Use Meeting POSTPONED
TWG Development has notified MKNA that they are planning further changes to their proposal for the redevelopment of the AT&T Site (5870 N. College Ave). Therefore, the Land Use Meeting scheduled for February 2nd is POSTPONED. Please stay tuned for details on the revised proposal and a revised meeting date. We are working with TWG on a revised timeline and will share details once they are available.
January 5, 2016 • Meeting Location Set
We are told the City will be holding their DP Hearing on Friday, 1/8. The meeting will be at 10am in room 2001 of the City-County Building (20th Floor). Please see below for details of the meeting and the next steps in the process.
UPDATED: Below is a link to view the presentation that TWG gave to the City on 1/8.
The Link – 1/8/2016 DP Meeting Presentation
December 21, 2015 • Update on Planning Process
Amended Development Plan
TWG Development has filed an amended development plan with the City’s Department of Metropolitan Development. The full version of the filing is available here:
As a result of feedback received from MKNA, neighbors and the City’s planners, TWG has incorporates several changes to their proposal, including:
- 151 market rate apartment units
- 151 tenant parking spaces, no public parking
- 2,500 sf amenity space
- 1,650 sf leasing office & lobby
- Removed retail and office space
- At-grade parking structure with three stories of multi-family units above (four stories total)
- Revised plans reflect no greater than 50’ tall
- One driveway in and out of project onto College Avenue (signalized entrance/exit)
- Zero access to back alley west of site, other than trash pickup
- Reduced balcony sizes to no deeper than 3’-4′, including inset balconies
- No underground parking
The developer also has commissioned a traffic study. The study is underway and expected to be completed in early January.
It’s important for neighbors to understand the current state of the process. Please remember that this portion of the process is purely the zoning changes needed for the proposed redevelopment—it is not a discussion of the developer asking for TIF funds. If the developer wishes to proceed with that request, the discussion will play out in another public process.
Here are the next steps in the zoning process:
- 12/18/15 – TWG filed a revised DP zoning plan with and the City scheduled new DP Hearing date (completed)
- 1/8/16 – DP Hearing – this is an opportunity for the city planners and other city departments to review the plan and discuss with the developer. The meeting is open to the public. (Location and time to be confirmed). As with the last DP Meeting, there is NO final decision being rendered by anyone at this meeting. This is purely an opportunity to discuss with city agencies and get feedback to be incorporated into the final plan.
Beyond the DP Hearing, these are the anticipated steps with approximate dates:
- Middle/End of January– finalized zoning petition will be filed with the City. The City will schedule a hearing in front of the Metropolitan Development Commission and notices of this hearing will be mailed to immediate neighbors as required by city code.
- Early February – MKNA’s Land Use committee will schedule a public meeting and invite neighbors to ask questions. The land use committee will then vote to recommend that MKNA support or oppose the zoning case. Remember that MKNA is only one voice in the process—we have no authority to approve or deny zoning petitions, only to offer our opinion to the City.
- Middle of February– The MDC will hear the case and vote to approve or deny the zoning. This decision then moves on to the City-Council for final adoption.
Interested neighbors are encouraged to check back for further updates. Be sure to Like us on Facebook to stay informed. Updates will also be shared through our e-mail newsletter; sign up here to receive this and other MK news.
September 22, 2015 • Update on Planning Process
Recap of meeting with Department of Metropolitan Development on September 18.
During the meeting, TWG Development showed revisions to their development plan. Click here to download and view the presentation. This outlines the proposal and the changes they have made since the meeting with the MKNA Land Use Committee (September 1, 2015).
The next step for TWG will be to finalize their zoning filing and possibly incorporate additional changes as a result of the feedback they have heard. There is no timeline or deadline for this to occur.
Once the petition is filed, TWG will be scheduled for a public hearing in front of the city’s Metropolitan Development Commission. Neighbors in the immediate vicinity of the project site will receive a notice of the meeting. MKNA will also keep all neighbors informed once this date is scheduled.
Additionally, a second MKNA Land Use meeting will be scheduled to allow neighbors to weigh in on the final proposal. We will announce the meeting details as soon as possible.
September 16, 2015 • Update on Planning Process
Department of Metropolitan Development meeting scheduled for September 18.
Many neighbors are aware that the City’s Department of Metropolitan Development has a meeting scheduled at 10am on Friday, September 18, 2015 to discuss TWG’s zoning filing.
This meeting will be held in Room 260 of the City County Building (220 East Washington Street). Note: this location is a change from the previously announced meeting room. Please be aware that this is a public meeting, but it is NOT a public hearing. It’s important to understand there will be no vote of support nor denial of the proposal at this meeting.
The purpose of this meeting is to allow the developer to have a dialog with the various City and utility agencies for input on their proposed zoning. The developer will then work to include the City’s input, as well as input gathered at the MKNA Land Use meeting on September 1, 2015 and other comments they have received, into their final zoning petition. Once that petition is filed, the public notices will be distributed to inform neighbors about a scheduled hearing date (likely mid-October).
Once MKNA receives notice of the public meeting, we will schedule another Land Use Meeting for neighbors to attend and review the final zoning proposal. We will announce the meeting details as soon as possible.
September 2, 2015 • Report from MKNA Land Use Committee
On Tuesday, September 1, MKNA Land Use Committee met to hear a presentation by TWG Development for redevelopment of 5858 North College Ave (currently the AT&T office building).
This meeting was the first of many public forums for neighbors to hear what is being proposed. Details of the proposal can be found in the Notice for the September 1 Land Use Meeting.
Many interested neighbors were in attendance, and many strong concerns were raised. The majority of the issues revolve around the following:
- Traffic flow and congestion
- Alley access
- Height and density of building
- Parking
- Building architecture
The Land Use Committee discussed the proposal in detail and understands the concerns raised by neighbors. At its meeting following the presentation, the Committee determined that it could not support TWG’s proposal in the form presented that night. We have offered feedback to TWG and encouraged them to continue revising and working on their proposal to address the concerns of the neighbors.
As outlined at the meeting, this zoning petition is still an ongoing process. The next step is for TWG to meet with the City and work to refine their zoning petition. Once they have settled on their final wording of the rezoning petition, a public hearing will be scheduled in front of the City’s Metropolitan Development Commission. This will likely occur in October and notices will be mailed out to the immediate neighbors. MKNA will post this information once it is available. If TWG has a revised proposal, MKNA will schedule another public meeting at a future date. Please stay informed by checking our website and social media.
September 1, 2015 • MKNA Land Use Meeting
Request to rezone property from C-1, C-4 (Commercial) to D-P (Planned Unit Development). TWG proposes to redevelop a portion of the property used by AT&T as an office and incidental parking with a mixed use building containing multifamily units and some commercial space.
Details of documents submitted to MKNA Land Use Committee by developer
DOWNLOAD • Conceptual Site Layout
Stay informed about important issues in our neighborhood
All residents are encouraged to review the Red Line transit proposal at and understand the impact of the proposal.
The final draft of the MK Neighborhood Plan is available for view at
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