Home Tour 2016

 In Home Tour, News


Save the dates!

MK Home & Garden Tour on June 4 & 5

Twilight Tour and Party on Friday, June 3!

Don’t miss the largest and longest running tour of vintage homes in Indiana.

Located just 15 minutes from downtown Indianapolis, Meridian-Kessler is one of the city’s oldest neighborhoods. Well-maintained homes with historic charm are nestled within a diverse walkable community.

Visit the Home Tour website to learn how you can participate. Volunteers needed!

Founded in 1973, The Home & Garden Tour was created to promote the history and unique architecture of the neighborhood.

Today, the Tour is an important part of  the fund raising efforts of Meridian~Kessler Neighborhood Association. Ticket sales and sponsorships are reinvested in the neighborhood and helps ensure that our community continues to thrive. These proceeds help to

  • Enhance Livability – make the neighborhood more walkable and bike-friendly, develop infrastructure plan, and support crime prevention efforts
  • Promote Growth and Capital Investment – support the mid-town TIF district and drive redevelopment opportunities
  • Advocate to City Government – develop the neighborhood long term land use plan and promote compliance with community values
  • Communicate – organize community meetings where critical neighborhood issues are addressed, hosts business and clergy breakfasts and publish a community newsletter
  • Partner with Community Stakeholders – support the work of organizations serving youth and seniors
  • Preserve Historic Qualities – prioritize neighborhood beautification efforts and promote commitment to historic architecture
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