Land Use Case Reviews • Monday, May 2nd at 6pm
Land Use Committee Meeting
Monday, May 2nd, 2016 at 6 pm
Northwood Christian Church, 4550 Central Avenue
The Meridian-Kessler Neighborhood Association Land Use Committee will meet to discuss land use issues in the neighborhood. All interested neighbors are encouraged to attend.
5870 College Ave. (AT&T Site Redevelopment)
Introductory Meeting (no petition filed at this time)
Petitioner: Milhaus Development by Misha Rabinowitch
Milhaus recently secured the property at 5870 College Ave and intends to redevelop the site. They have requested to make an introductory meeting with the Land Use Committee and any interested neighbors so they can discuss the site and seek input from the committee and neighbors as they begin to work on their redevelopment plans.
Please note, no development or zoning proposal will be presented or voted on by the committee. This is simply an informal request to seek preliminary feedback.