Land Use Case Reviews • Monday, July 11th at 6pm

 In Land Use, Zoning Notice


Land Use Committee Meeting
Monday, July 11th, 2016 at 6 pm

Northwood Christian Church, 4550 Central Avenue

The Meridian-Kessler Neighborhood Association Land Use Committee will meet to discuss land use issues in the neighborhood.  All interested neighbors are encouraged to attend.


4551 Central Avenue

(City petition # pending)

Petitioner: David Kingen for property owners

Variances required for rebuild of garage.


5870 College Ave. (AT&T Site Redevelopment)

Informational Meeting (no petition filed at this time)

Petitioner: Milhaus Development

Milhaus has secured the property at 5870 College Ave and intends to redevelop the site.  This will be Milhaus’ third meeting with the Land Use Committee and interested neighbors to discuss the site and seek input and feedback.  No formal zoning has been filed with the City, therefore the committee will not be taking a formal vote.


5516 N. College Ave

Informational Meeting (no petition filed at this time)

Petitioner: Sam Barron

Consultation with Land Use Committee regarding using a multi-family residential property on College Blvd in the vicinity of 54th Street for a small business office.

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