Land Use Case Reviews • Monday, August 1st at 6pm

 In Featured Posts, Land Use, News, Zoning Notice


Land Use Committee Meeting
Monday, August 1st, 2016 at 6 pm

Northwood Christian Church, 4550 Central Avenue

The Meridian-Kessler Neighborhood Association Land Use Committee will meet to discuss land use issues in the neighborhood.  All interested neighbors are encouraged to attend.

5870 College Ave. (AT&T Site Redevelopment)

Petitioner: Milhaus Development

City Petition: 2016-CZN-818 / 2016-CVR-818

This will be Milhaus’ fourth presentation to the Land Use Committee.  Details of their proposal presented at the July meeting can be viewed here.

Milhaus has filed their zoning petition with the City asking to rezone the property to the MU-2 zoning classification (currently D-3 and C-1 classifications).  Rezoning will provide for 100 apartments, 9,200 square feet of retail space, and 125 parking spaces.  Additionally, they are seeking a zoning variance to allow a 30.75-foot front setback (MU-2 requirements call for a 20-foot maximum front setback) and a 50-foot building height (MU-2 limits height at 35-feet).

All neighbors are encouraged to attend and hear Milhaus’ updated proposal.  The Meridian-Kessler Land Use Committee will vote and make a recommendation to the full MKNA Board of Directors.

The City hearing for this petition is scheduled for August 11, 2016  at 1pm in the Public Assembly Room of the City-County Building (200 E. Washington St).  This meeting is open to the public and anyone wishing to speak is welcome.


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