Land Use Update • Milhaus Proposal
Monday, September 12, 2016 • Land Use Update
5870 College Ave (AT&T Site Redevelopment)
Petitioner: Milhaus Development
City Petition: 2016-CZN-818 / 2016-CVR-818
Over the course of the last five months, our Land Use Committee has held five public meetings for neighbors to discuss the development proposed at 5870 College Ave by Milhaus. After a full review of the proposal, the Meridian-Kessler Neighborhood Association has voted to support the requested rezoning with variances given the Statement of Commitments that Milhaus has filed with the Department of Metropolitan Development.
The proposed development is largely consistent with the Meridian-Kessler Neighborhood Plan (MK Plan) which calls for “a multi-story mixed–use building that is integrated and consistent with the character and architecture of the neighborhood” at this Critical Area.
While we recognize that concern remains with parts of the development exceeding the height recommendation in the MK Plan (45-feet), we feel this variance is appropriate and acceptable, given Milhaus’ commitments to transition the height from the south residential properties to the north commercial properties, “step-back” design of the façade (resulting in an average height of 45-feet along College Ave), and the screening afforded by maintaining the mature street trees.
Furthermore, we secured additional commitments and concessions which would eliminate many concerns about the negative impact on surrounding properties and the neighborhood as a whole.
Click here to view the entire report by the Land Use Committee.
The Department of Metropolitan Development Hearing Examiner will hear this case on Thursday, September 15, 2016. The hearing will begin at 1 pm at the City-County Building (200 E. Washington Street) in the Public Assembly Room. All neighbors are encouraged to attend this public hearing and speak. To learn more about the process, see the Hearing Examiner Procedure from the City’s website. Additionally, the City Staff Report indicating City Staff’s recommendation of approval can be found Here.
For previous updates on this case, please see below:
May Land Use Committee Meeting Notice
July Land Use Committee Meeting Notice
August Land Use Committee Meeting Notice
September Land Use Committee Meeting Notice
For those interested in learning more about the process, below are some resources:
Indianapolis Zoning Code (details on MU-2 start on page 243, but are referenced in other sections)