Land Use Update – Milhaus Proposal
Thursday, September 15, 2016 • Land Use Update
5870 College Ave (AT&T Site Redevelopment)
Petitioner: Milhaus Development
City Petition: 2016-CZN-818 / 2016-CVR-818
The Department of Metropolitan Development zoning hearing for the former AT&T site was scheduled for September 15th. Due to a procedural error regarding the hearing notice that was mailed to neighboring property owners, the Hearing Officer continued the case for 30 days to allow new notices to be mailed. The date for the new hearing is October 13, 2016. This meeting will be held in the Public Assembly Room of the City-County Building at 1:00pm.
Immediate property owners will receive a new notice in the mail which will reflect the correct size of the lot and will provide the new hearing date. The proposal remains unchanged from what was presented by Milhaus at the September 6th Land Use Committee (linked below).
For previous updates on this case, please see below:
May Land Use Committee Meeting Notice
July Land Use Committee Meeting Notice
August Land Use Committee Meeting Notice
September Land Use Committee Meeting Notice
For those interested in learning more about the process, below are some resources:
Indianapolis Zoning Code (details on MU-2 start on page 243, but are referenced in other sections)