Young Voters
Do you know anyone who recently went off to college? In Indiana, college students may register to vote at either their hometown address or their campus address. It’s totally their choice!
If they register at their hometown address, they can either 1.) return “home” to vote early, in-person, 2.) request a mail-in absentee ballot, or 3.) go home on Election Day to vote at the polls.
All the same options exist for if they register at their campus address. However, unless they legitimately can’t get to the polls between 6am-6pm on Election Day, the vote-by-mail absentee option may not work for them.
Do keep in mind voter registration closes Oct. 9. Mail-in absentee ballot applications must be requested by Oct. 29. (You’re then mailed a ballot that must be returned by Election Day.)
Learn more at
*Thank to Erin Kelley for providing this information.