Neighbor In Need

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Understanding this is a difficult time for neighbors of all kinds, we would like to do what we can to know, understand and attempt to fill the needs of our neighbors. Below are three community-based, service-oriented ideas to support MK neighbors:

Neighborhood Window Walk

Its no surprise many of us have taken to the streets and sidewalks of the neighborhood to get fresh air, stretch our legs, and give our families some space from one another. We came across the “Neighborhood Window Walk” idea on Facebook and would love to have as many participating households as possible!


  1. Print/draw an image that fits the category
  2. Post the image in your front window on the date specified

This is a fun way for neighbors to enjoy their time outdoors and be a part of the community – while maintaining at least a six-foot distance between neighbors!

Neighbor in Need

We would also like to serve as a conduit between neighbors with hands prepared for service and neighbors in need. Please complete this short, 2-minute form to inform us of a “neighbor in need” or to submit your information to volunteer to serve the community in a new way. There are so many ways that we can support one another through this tough time but we can’t do that without knowing/understanding the need.


25% of all memberships from today through the end of quarantine will be given to the MLK Center to help support their work with our community’s most vulnerable populations. Through providing childcare, meals and other essential products and services, the MLK Center is doing tremendous work for neighbors across the city. You can make your contribution by clicking “JOIN” in the top righthand corner of our website and 25% of your membership dues will go directly to the MLK Center.


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