SWAG: Safer With A Gown

 In Breaking News, Bulletin, Community Partnerships

It’s no surprise that the youth of our country have idle hands during country-wide school closures as a result of COVID-19. But, rather than allowing their free time to be the devil’s playground as the old saying goes, a handful of Meridian-Kessler youth have come together to provide a much needed resource to area healthcare workers through SWAG!

“Conversations at the dinner table center on COVID-19 when you have family members that work in healthcare,” says Norah one of the project founders. During one such conversation the shortage of gowns was mentioned and Norah saw a way that she could help. Safer With A Gown (SWAG) was born with a little bit of help of the team’s parents and the Butler University Theatre Department who drew up the gown pattern to share far and wide.

“We want to get the word out about how easily these gowns can be made with materials you have at home with the pattern we provide. And how BIG of an impact they can make in the life of someone working in the healthcare industry right now.”

You can visit saferwithagown.com to learn more, download the printable pattern to make gowns or to make a financial contribution to this effort.


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