5G Cell Towers

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Update: 1/5/2021

Some neighbors may have noticed there are some 5G towers being installed in Meridian-Kessler and other parts of Midtown and Marion County. Many of these installations were permitted via Right-of-Way (ROW) permits in 2019 and 2020. In late summer, 2020 the City of Indianapolis started requiring these installations go through the variance process. Prior to that, Verizon and others applied for and received ROW permits to install their equipment. Although Verizon withdrew all variance petitions in MK, any previously permitted towers may still be constructed. You can review the list of all issued ROW permits on this site: https://www.indy.gov/activity/small-cell-facilities at the bottom of the page under “List of Small Cell Facility Permits”.

Update: 10/20/20

On 10/14/20, MKNA convened a meeting with a number of parties including:

  • MKNA
  • BTNA
  • BRVA
  • Senator Ruckelshaus
  • Senator Ford
  • Representative DeLaney
  • Councillor Barth
  • Councillor Potts
  • Department of Metropolitan Development
  • Verizon

During that conversation, Verizon educated us on their process and the perks of 5G technology. The process presented has not been the experience of our community and we advocated for neighbors in that regard to both Verizon and our local/state legislators. Following that meeting, we received communication from the local legal team representing Verizon that all Meridian-Kessler 5G cell site petitions have been withdrawn at this time. 

We are continuing to work with Verizon on the proper placement of this new technology. From the beginning, we have been in support of increased and improved services for our neighborhood but not at the expense of our neighbors.

We will continue to update neighbors, here, as we receive new information.


Update: 10/4/20

The Meridian Kessler Neighborhood Association has hand-delivered site plans to all Meridian-Kessler sites that we’ve received petitions for so neighbors are aware of anticipated work. At this time, MKNA will be hosting a meeting with Senators Ruckelshaus and Ford , Representative DeLaney, Verizon to discuss impending state legislation that will impact this work going forward as well as to work toward compromises on location, style, etc.

Meanwhile, we are encouraged that the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) has denied all 5G petitions thus far. That being said, MKNA will continue to update neighbors as new information is received. Following our meeting with Verizon and our state legislators, if we do not feel a compromise has been met, we will file an additional continuance on all MK petitions to continue to work towards more reasonable accommodations.

Update: 9/11/20

The Meridian-Kessler Neighborhood Association has rallied the support of nearby organizations and City-Councillors to assist in our response to these petitions. An open letter was sent to the Mayor Joe Hogsett and Interim Director of the Department of Metropolitan Development Rusty Carr with a list of our demands.

View open letter to Mayor Hogsett and Director of DMD here.

View response from DMD Director here.

It has been brought to the attention of the MKNA that a number of 5G cellular towers are slated for installation across midtown. The MKNA Land Use Committee is working alongside the Meridian Street Preservation Foundation, our City-County Councillors, and the various telecom companies to ensure a number of neighborhood considerations and demands are taken seriously in regards to the Public Hearing, installation, and operation process.

If you are a homeowner whose property is being impacted by this work, please reach out to MKNA immediately.

What is 5G?

The “G” in “5G” is in reference to the generation of the technology. To learn more about what 5G is and what purpose it serves – especially as it relates to previous generations – click here.

What is the “utility easement?”

A utility easement (Sec. 741-307) exists to provide public utility companies access to your property in event of an emergency repair, upgrade, etc. Often times this space is located on the edge of your property line and provides easy access to power lines, drainage, etc. Most property owners care for the easement as it is part of their property; i.e. mowing, planting, etc. however, the easement is determined by a measurement taken from the center of the street and can be accessed by public utility companies without permission from the property owner.

All work performed by telecom companies must be completed within the utility easement.

What is MKNA doing about it?

The Association is comprised of a number of committees to help with a number of topics and issues that impact all MK neighbors. MKNA has received a number of questions, comments, and concerns on this topic The Executive Committee determined that the Land Use Committee would be the best body to oversee this particular topic. The Land Use Committee has compiled a list of Meridian-Kessler properties that have received a petition. Typically, one petition would be filed per property however, due to the nature and volume of this work, multiple locations have been combined on singular petitions.

  • As a registered neighborhood organization, MKNA has filed an automatic continuance on all 5G petitions in MK in order to allow the Land Use Committee adequate time to review the cases and talk to each property owner. 
  • The Land Use Committee has compiled a list of expectations to discuss with each respective installer that will help determine MKNA’s final stance on each respective petition:
    • Can the 5G cell be added to an existing, nearby structure?
      • Additionally, can Company B co-locate with Company A so as not to add unnecessary polls?
    • If the 5G cell cannot be added to an existing structure, can the new pole/tower be placed in an alley?
    • If the 5G cell cannot be added to an existing structure nor in an alley and must be placed in the utility easement, MKNA will advocate that DMD require the installer and/or their subcontractors contact the property owner 48-hours in advance and provide adequate contact information should any damage be caused to private property.  

You can view the complete list of 5G locations here. If your property is on this list, please reach out to MKNA immediately.

What can you do about it?

The first step in any issue is to educate ourselves on the topic to be able to make a well-rounded, informed decision going forward. Additionally, your collective voice as an Association of neighbors can be very powerful.

If you have strong feelings about any particular placement (complete list of placements and petition numbers here), we encourage you to send a letter of support/a letter condemning the project to publiccomment@mkna.org with the petition number in the subject. All letters will be compiled and delivered to the Department of Metropolitan Development Planner responsible for each respective petition/case to reinforce the neighborhood’s stance on the topic.

Residents are also able to send comments to the Department of Metropolitan Development directly at DMDpubliccoments@indy.gov

We will continue to update this news story as we have new information.

Update: 9/11/20

The Meridian-Kessler Neighborhood Association has rallied the support of nearby organizations and City-Councillors to assist in our response to these petitions. An open letter was sent to the Mayor Joe Hogsett and Interim Director of the Department of Metropolitan Development Rusty Carr with a list of our demands.

View open letter to Mayor Hogsett and Director of DMD here.

View response from DMD Director here.

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