Indianapolis Power & Light Pole Replacements and Tree Trimming

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We hope you are staying warm out there during this cold snap. We were recently made aware of some infrastructure projects being completed by Indianapolis Power & Light (IPL) in Meridian-Kessler. No doubt many of you have noticed both utility work and Wright Tree company along the 54th Street Corridor. There are large wood poles laying along the Right-of-Way awaiting installation. IPL is working to replace old wood poles on the Crestview circuits. Notifications for this work were started weeks ago, and were documented. Crestview No. 6 and no. 3 are in process now.  All of this work is part of IPL’s RevAMP  project (

Pole Replacement and Line Improvements

Old poles and poly wire are being replaced with stronger poles and thicker aluminum wires that are stronger and more durable against weather, wind, ice etc. Wright Tree is removing all brush around the poles (any plants/growth smaller than 6″ in diameter), 10′ of clearance around the new pole locations, and 15′ of on either side of the 15kv lines on these circuits. This clearance is needed for the safety of linemen who do all of the work installing and servicing this vital equipment, and for electric reliability. While everyone would love to see utility lines buried, that would cost billions of dollars and we- the rate payers would be on the hook for that. So, it’s unlikely that we will ever see all of our existing infrastructure buried.

Tree Trimming and Line Clearance

Tree trimming done for utility clearance cannot be confused with aesthetic or private tree trimming practices. Utility tree trimming is done for the reliability of the power lines to provide uninterrupted service to our residents. These trims are not done with aesthetics in mind, and we know that often frustrates homeowners. The image below illustrates proper side trimming done for line clearance of an over-story tree. Not pretty, but correct for this application.

p tree 02 

IPL and Wright Tree have certified utility arborists on staff that ensure proper cuts are made on trees, and the health and life of vegetation is considered. If more than 30% of a tree’s canopy is being removed, you may request that IPL remove the tree and request a replacement understory tree be planted by IPL or their contractor in the spring after the thaw. Please note that over-story trees should never be placed next to distribution or transmission lines.

If you have any questions or concerns about tree trimming, or pole replacements, you can contact IPL’s line clearance department at 317.261.8128 or email


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