5G Cell Tower Legislation Update 4/30/21

 In Breaking News, Business


MKNA is disappointed to inform residents that Governor Holcomb signed House Enrolled Act 1164 into law yesterday. HEA1164 strips local jurisdictions from regulating the installation and placement of 5G small cell towers. HEA1164 removes height and spacing restrictions, and eliminates jurisdictions ability to enforce underground utility ordinances if there are any pre-existing above ground utilities already installed in the area. So, despite the fact that the City of Indianapolis has an ordinance dating back to the 1970’s requiring that all new utilities be placed underground, telecom companies will be allowed to install these 50+ foot towers throughout Marion County. MKNA worked hard to advocate for common sense amendments to HEA1164, and met with more than a half dozen lawmakers as this bill worked its way through the legislature to advocate for MK residents and all Hoosiers. MKNA sent a letter to Governor Holcomb with the support of more than 10 other neighborhood organizations throughout Indiana urging him to veto the bill. MKNA will continue to work with our neighbors, other organizations and residents to advocate for new legislation in the next legislative session. It is likely Verizon, AT&T and others will begin to install their equipment throughout Marion County, and Meridian-Kessler.

What can you do, if you see a pole being installed near your property? Unfortunately the installations themselves cannot be prevented, but we would urge you to reach out to your legislator and urge them to revisit this issue in 2022. You can find your legislator by following this link:


MKNA will continue to advocate for common sense legislation, and attempt to work with telecom companies to find workable solutions.


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