MK Annual Neighborhood Meeting: Postponed

 In Breaking News, Conservation Districts, MKNA, News

The July 20, 2022, meeting with the Metropolitan Development Preservation Committee, has been postponed.  Watch for rescheduled date.

More than 100 Meridian-Kessler neighbors gathered at the Basile Opera Center Thursday to learn about the widespread demolition of homes in MK. Oftentimes, those demolitions are replaced with large dwellings not scaled to the neighborhood’s balance and architecture.

The Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission leads efforts to protect historic areas like Meridian-Kessler in Marion County. Meg Purnsley, IHPC’s Administrator, explained to attendees what options might best fit the neighborhood. Purnsley told participants, “Meridian-Kessler has a very special neighborhood here. It’s important to value its unique community and to preserve its history.” Purnsley shared that MK has seen over 300 demolitions in the last 4 years, with the number increasing in the last year alone.

Share your thoughts with IHPC at: Or, better yet, attend the meeting of the Metropolitan Development Commissions Preservation Committee in person on July 20, at 11 a.m.  at the City County Building, 20th floor. This is not to approve or finalize any interim plan, but simply another step in the process. The interim plan has not been written. If the preservation committee supports the possible creation of an interim plan after July 20th, more public meetings will take place as we work closely with IHPC to consider an interim plan or conservation district designation for MK.

For more information about demolitions in Meridian-Kessler, see pages 20-21 in the Spring/Summer 2022 MK Spark magazine

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